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///Perfect team experience on each project ///Video production ///Photography ///Graphic design ///Professional equipment ///Based in Slovenia ///Available worldwide
About us.

øvisuals studio.

We are an international media production group, based in Slovenia. We cover all aspects of production (photo, video, live streams, to post-production, VFX and graphic design). We bring a fresh approach to the latest trends and mindset on our projects.

Unleashing the Art of Visual Storytelling.

Visual storytelling that captivates and inspires, we bring stories alive.


Our production.


We capture fleeting moments with a trained eye, immortalizing them forever in high-quality images that convey a story.


We bring your vision to life, creating compelling content that engages, informs, and inspire audiences across all platforms.

Graphic Design.

We deliver visually stunning designs that elevate your brand, conveying your message through thoughtful...
our team

Meet the team.

Blaž Žnidaršič

/ Photographer / CIO

Jakob Ješelnik

/ Creative Director / CEO

Anej Ožbolt

/ Videographer / Content Creator

Fantje so super in odzivni. Pripravljeni na vsako sodelovanje! Vsekakor pa so pri montaži in obdelavi fotk hitri in natančni, upoštevajo želje! Pripročam!


Sodelovanje z ekipo je bila odlična izkušnja, polna, smeha in zabave, ki bi jo z veseljem še ponovila. Ekipo priporočam, zaradi svojega profesionalnega ter kvalitetnega dela, predvsem pa so pripravljeni poslušati želje in potrebe stranke ter se jim skušaja prilagoditi.


Vsi člani iz ekipe so res pravi mojstri na njihovem področju, saj so fotografije odlične, prav tako tudi posnetki. Skratka navdušeni smo bili nad njihovim delom.